Publications on the Jewish Museum Worms (Foto: IR/Stadt Worms)


You would like to find out more about the history of our museum and about Jewish Worms? Here are some publications that we can recommend to you (not an exhaustive list):

Jewish Museum Worms and Rashi House

  • List of the collection of Judaica in the City Archives (Abt. 203, as of Sept. 2016), pdf
  • "Jüdisches Worms. Raschi-Haus und Judengasse", Fritz Reuter, Worms 1988 (an illustrated guidebook, 41 pages), 4.00 EUR; English edition: "Jewish Worms. Rashi House and Judengasse", Worms 1999, 4.00 EUR

Jewish Worms

  • "Der Alte Judenfriedhof zu Worms", Otto Böcher, Köln/Neuss 1992, Rheinische Kunststätten 148 (11 pages), 2.50 EUR; English edition “The Jewish Cemetery of Worms”, 2001 (14 pages), 2.50 EUR
  • "Die Alte Synagoge in Worms am Rhein", Otto Böcher, München 2001 (DKV art guide 181/1, 9th edition, 31 pages), 2.50 EUR; English edition: "The old Synagogue in Worms on the Rhine", 2001 (31 pages), 2.50 EUR
  • "Raschi 1105-2005 - Leben und Wirken Raschis – Die Juden in der Champagne und am Rhein", Worms 2005 (82 pages), 8.00 EUR; English edition: 15.00 EUR; French edition: 12.00 EUR
  • "Die SchUM-Städte am Rhein: Speyer (Schpira), Worms (Warmaisa), Mainz (Magenza)", Matthias Preißler, issued by the Generaldirektion Kulturelles Erbe Rheinland-Pfalz, Regensburg 2012 (41 pages, with many illustrations), in German and English, each cost 5.00 EUR


  • “Warmaisa. Worms – Heilige Gemeinde am Rhein”, a film made by Wilfried Saur and Werner Schlieter, 2003 (DVD, 35 mins.) with a commentary spoken by Dr. Gerold Bönnen, Production: Medienzentrum der Stadt Worms (14.50 EUR); English version: “Warmaisa. Worms – Holy Community on the Rhine”, 2003 (DVD, 14.50 EUR)


Jewish Museum Worms

Hintere Judengasse 6
67547 Worms

Telephone number: +49 (0) 62 41) 8 53 - 47 01 / 47 07
Email: stdtrchvwrmsd 

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